Sealious playground startup problem

hello there, I follow this instruction: · rPLAY. when running the app by ‘npm run watch’ i see terminal with 3 windows, where in the central one is an error:
“Cannot find module ‘/mnt/c/sealcode/first/dist/back/index.js’. Please verify that the package.json has a valid “main” entry”
hovever i can still add new component via ‘npx sealgen add-component’ but server ‘localhost:8080/components’ iis refusing connection

the error when using ‘npm install’ looks like the reason

i guess i need a linux to do something

Hmm, yes, sharp is a natively compiled library and it sometimes causes trouble. But Windows should have pre-built versions available, so maybe there’s a way around it…

It looks though as something got only partially downloaded during installation. Try running npm cache clean --force, remove the node_modules directory and try again

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so i moved to linux ubuntu and now, ‘npm install’ is working, but after ’ npm run watch’ im facing this error

Run docker-compose up -d db to start the mongodb container :slight_smile:

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one detail slipped my mind, in readme, in requirements - docker-compose (version 2.6 or up) is listed, but according to docker docs, the last version of this package is 1.29.2, thought compose 2 has last version 2.25

its working, thank you! :smiley:

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