Sealious changelog


ReverseSingleReference and DeepReverseSingleReference now support formatting the referenced collection fields.

For example, for a collection configuration like this:

dogs: new (class extends Collection {
	fields = {
		name: new FieldTypes.Text(),
		photos: new FieldTypes.ReverseSingleReference({
			referencing_collection: "dog_photos",
			referencing_field: "dog",
dog_photos: new (class extends Collection {
	fields = {
		dog: new FieldTypes.SingleReference("dogs"),
		photo: new FieldTypes.Image(),

You can now run

await app.collections.dogs
   .format({ photos: { photo: "url" } })
   .attach({ photos: true })

To influence the format of the photo fields in the referencing collection in the query’s output


The uploaded files endpoint now responds with a proper content-type header.

Before that, when you visited a URL for a file uploaded to a File collection field, it always responded with an application/octet-stream content type. Now it bases the mimetype in that header on the extension of the uploaded file.


Fix StructuredArray reported wrong type on .get


CollectionItem now exposes the parent_list attribute, which opens up another access to attachments for that list

Add more type information to the .serialize method in CollectionItem


Fix StructuredArray not working with SingleReference as a subfield


Now items in the result of ItemList.fetch() will be sorted by the original order when filtered with .ids() method


When using a NamedFilter that has a condition dependent on a value of a boolean field, unset field values are now counted as if they are false.

See this testcase for context


Add option to filter items by an empty single reference value

const { items } = await app.collections.A.suList()
	.filter({ reference_to_b: null })


Fix an issue when entries in getAttachments could be undefined


Fix an issue with Or strategy incorrectly thinking it is item sensitive


Add option to customize more aspects of an SMTP connection


Add option to set reply_to in smtp


Increase the limit for maximum size of the array in qs-encoded POST body