How to start a new module using module-starter

Module starter is a small repo that sets up linters, typescript, test and other things that make it play along nicely with ESM and with our other projects.

To start a project under Code Review, perform the following steps. We’re going to create a library named xyz, so replace xyz with the name of your new module:

  1. Clone module-starter

    git clone xyz && cd xyz

  2. Create a new GIT repository in Sealhub

  3. Go to Actions > Manage Repository and press Activate Repository

  4. Go back to View Repository, click “Clone” and copy the new ssh:-based clone URL

  5. Go back to the terminal and type git remote set-url origin URL (replace URL with the copied URL)

  6. Run git push

  7. Start a new branch and start working on your library within the xyz directory

  8. Once you’re done, start a new using arcanist