Hello, sealcode!

Greetings! I’m Lynda from Nigeria. I stumbled upon Sealcode on Mastodon during my search for remote job opportunities. I don’t have any coding knowledge, but I am eager to learn and contribute by taking on a task. Is there a task for a novice like me? :slight_smile:

Hi @Lyn! If you’re just getting started, be sure to check out https://www.freecodecamp.org/learn/javascript-algorithms-and-data-structures/ first. Once you have basics of JS covered, we will pick you a task that is good for training :fire:

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No dobra, skoro trzeba po angielsku się przedstawić no to próbuję :stuck_out_tongue:
I’m Sebastian, in the middle of the road ended on crossroads :wink: Being always afraid to the point of being terrified for joining IT corporations full of strange people I mostly coded at home,and helping a friend with non-commercial projects.

Last year I coded mostly in NodeJS and PHP. I have also experience with mobile applications for iOS and tvOS (obj-c and Swift), bash scripting, Ruby and working with Rest APIS - nothing special. I am here because I need to have something intresting to do before I go crazy :slight_smile:

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Hi @SebaSzwarc! Welcome to Sealcode. Do not be afraid - we are all strange here, but we don’t bite :wink:

Lovely! Be sure to check out The Learning Path Challenge 🛤 if you’d like to test or broaden your skills :slight_smile:

Hello everyone.
My name is Przemek and I will be a manual tester, recently I also started learning automatic testing. So far, I have worked mainly with government applications, which have their own specificity. It’s nice that I will be able to work here with decent applications :wink:

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Hello people, I am Daniel!
Currently I am studying full stack web development, I feel confident with JS and front-end features and I’m on my way into back-end languages, starting to play with MySQL and Node. I enjoy the challenge of programming and I would like to keep learning!

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hi @przemek-markowski, hi @danvei - welcome to Sealcode!

We’re very very soon starting with a commercial project, I’ll let you know when we’ll be gathering the project team!

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Hi everyone!
My name is Przemek, I’m a frontend developer, by profession and passion. I mainly use TypeScript, React and Next.js, I recently started exploring the AWS ecosystem. I’m open to new experiences, and I’d be happy to share the knowledge and inspirations with others :slight_smile:

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Greetings fellow humans,

I’m Krystian a student or something. I like cryptography, cybersecurity (my current studies) and programming.

My friend told me about Sealcode when exchanging Matrix usernames. I would like to land a job in IT someday and hope that contributing here will lead me to it.

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Hello everyone! My name is Olga, and I’m delighted to be part of this community. Originally from Belarus, I now call Poland my home. After graduating from medical university and practicing as a doctor for three years, I decided to embark on a new journey in the world of technology. I completed a couple of online courses and delved into Javascript/Typescript, React, and Node.js, immersing myself in an intensive program that provided me with cutting-edge knowledge of modern programming techniques. I’m open to new opportunities and challenges :slight_smile:

Hey to all of you! I’m Volodymyr (prefer to be called Vova), I was invited by @kuba-orlik , who I actually met on the WID event just this Saturday. I’ve been learning frontend for 3 years, and I’m really passionate about web and CS in general. Mostly I write React and TS applications, although I remain open-minded when it comes to technologies. I hope I will be able to contribute to your community by embracing various challenges :wink:

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Hi, I’m Wojtek. I’m currently in the 2nd year of my CS degree at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan.

I first heard about Sealcode at an awesome workshop held by Kuba Orlik at my university.

My first taste of web development was an extra credit project I did in middle school, a static website. Since then, I’ve dabbled with JS frameworks large and small, and made writing software a habit of mine.

I’m currently focused on becoming a more well-rounded engineer, with a strong emphasis on developing good practices and gaining useful know-how.

I’m both excited and nervous about the opportunity to contribute to large-scale projects at SealHub.


Hello, I’m Xander, I’m a software developer, I love programming in Go, Python, JS and C. I’m currently learning about Systems’ Administratin, and Data Science.

I’m really excited about starting to contribute to the projects at SealHub! See you!


Hi, i am 13 years old and I am learning web programming. I want to learn new things and create amazing things. I am homeschooler, so I have lot of time to programming. Lets begin sealcode journey :slight_smile:

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Hi, my name is Jakub and I am 23 years old. I’am studying computer science and data engineering at Poznań University of Life Sciences.

I heard about Sealcode from my web development teacher.

Due to my problems with self-motivation I want to learn more about web development at Sealcode.

I’m interested in going through The Learning Path Challenge.

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Welcome to Sealcode! I suspect that you live/can commute to Poznań, so feel free to join our weekly offline meetings - Sealcodings :raised_hands: :slight_smile:

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I will be there tomorrow :slight_smile:

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Hi! My name is Antoni :wink: I am ~23 y/o. I’ve just finished my 1. year at Poznań University of Life Sciences on Computer Science & Data Engineering degree. I have already a little expirience with full-stack and programming - mostly basics though. In any case, I’m eager to take on some exciting challenge :wink:

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Welcome! Also feel free to come to our Sealcoding tomorrow, or anytime in the future! :slight_smile:

A post was merged into an existing topic: [Recurring] Sealcodings :seal::keyboard: