Dev setup instruction for sealious

I can’t find any instructions for how to set up sealious for development (so basically making npm run test work). For sealious playground the instructions are in the readme, which is not the case for sealious. Are there any instructions for sealious anywhere?

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After playing around I found out this command sequence works:
install npm packages: npm install
start the db: docker-compose up -d db mailcatcher
run the tests: npm run test

I was surprised to read that - the instructions for testing are indeed in the README:$475

Perhaps I should make them more prominent or somehow restructure the README?

While there are instructiins for testing, unlike the ones for sealious playground they do not include installing packages (npm run install) which can get confusing when a file named is present in the repo, and even after installing the packages correctly starting up the db seemed not to work without mailcatcher (I checked a couple times and the results were always the same).