Konwersatoria Sealcode.org

Email - am I using it right?

2019-04-12, Prepared by Kuba Orlik

Reading Materials

Email is everywhere. Love it or hate it, it’s one of the last bastions of the decentralized, independent Internet we used to have 20 years ago. It is a useful tool, but can be easily mishandled. What are the best email practices?

Read these 3 short articles about it:

  1. 9 keys to email etiquette
  2. Reply-All: What’s up with it?
  3. CC vs BCC

1. Vocabulary

Translate the below words to English using the vocabulary from the articles:

From article 1 (9 rules)

  1. odpowiedzieć (na wiadomość) - r____
  2. wyjątek - e________
  3. załącznik - a_________
  4. sprawdzić poprawność pisowni - s__________
  5. pominąć - to o___
  6. temat (wiadomośc email) - s______
  7. nierozwiązane (np. sprawy) - u_________
  8. marnować czas - w____ t___
  9. odbiorca - r________
  10. aktualny - c______
  11. zejść ze szlaku, zmienić temat - to d______
  12. wesoły - u_____
  13. wątek - t_____

From article 2 (reply-all)

  1. sytuacja beznadziejna, pomiesznie - s____
  2. niezapobiegalnie - i_________
  3. niechcący - a___________
  4. jasny, prosty - s______________
  5. krótka dygresja na boku - a____
  6. wykroczenie - t____________
  7. nieświadomy, niepoinformowany - o________
  8. bagatelizować - d_______
  9. obgadywanie - b__________
  10. wymiana (wiadomości) - e_______

From article 3 (cc vs bcc)

  1. adresat - a________
  2. odpowiednik - c__________
  3. uciążliwy - o______
  4. dosłowny, bez zmian względem oryginału - v_______
  5. przecinek - c____
  6. ujawniony, odkryty - e______
  7. przyćmić - o_________
  8. nieujawniony - u__________

2. Complete the sentences

  1. I answer my emails on my phone during lunch breaks. I don’t like ~_______ ~____
  2. The rules here are ~_______________ - even Alan gets it!
  3. A ~________ copy of the letter was sent to the archive.
  4. As scientists create new methods to deal with aging, death of age seems less ~__________ than in the last century.
  5. Those not involved in the case seemed almost ~_________ to it.
  6. Let’s not ~________ the impact Susan had on this project - she helped us a lot!
  7. They were close friends in college, but after graduation, their lives ~________.
  8. After his lies have been ~_______, he was forced to resign from his office.
  9. For his many ~______________, he should have to perform 28 months of community service.
  10. The pitcher’s outstanding performance should not ~__________ the achievements of the rest of the team.
  11. These sentences contain lots of typos. You should ~___________ them, Kuba.
  12. Each image should be no larger than 5MB and sent as a jpeg ~__________ to kontakt@sealcode.org

3. Discussion

Prepare to answer the following questions:

Are there any other questions you’d like to discuss with the others?

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