T2882 - setup bot api, SQLlite, auth

Generally, tests should not call any external services like Telegram or Discourse. The calls to their APIs should be mocked with smth like GitHub - nock/nock: HTTP server mocking and expectations library for Node.js

I can try to mock telegram api, but what about arcanist suspended on those tests, when I only test welcome page and form

describe("Endpoints test", () => {
	const app = express();
	let server: Server<typeof IncomingMessage, typeof ServerResponse>;

	before(() => {
		server = app.listen(3000, () => {
			console.log("Server is listening on port 3000");


	it("request to home page should has status 200", async () => {
		await request(app).get("/").expect(200);

	it("should return a html form for GET request to /authorize", async () => {
		await request(app)
			.expect("Content-Type", /html/)

	after((done) => {

in this test, you import the main.ts file, which in chained consequence imports also the bot.ts file, which immediately tries to create a telegram bot instance - on import time. It might be beneficial to instead wrap the telegram bot logic into a function and only call it when it’s necessary. You can do a sort-of singleton with smth like

let bot:Bot | null = null

function makeBot(){
   return new Bot(...)

export function getBot(){
      bot = makeBot()
   return bot;

(the details are of course missing from this example, but it should get my point across)